Consigning your items made easy
Mr. Bike and Ski is the place in Escanaba where you can find lightly used and new-quality outdoor gear and clothing and consign your gear quickly and easily. Our consignors receive 50% of the selling price. We accept items for consignment on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., or you can book an appointment to consign. Please email to confirm a time. We donate unsold items not picked up at the end of the season to our favorite charities.
Accepting Summer Goods from March 1 through August 31
Accepting Winter goods September 1 through February 28
Bring your items into our store
We accept consignments Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 am - 5 pm. To schedule an appointment, please email *Limit of 5 items per consignment*
Accepting lightly used gear and gear evaluation
Mr. Bike and Ski holds a high standard of gear we sell. Our gear experts will look through your items and identify well-maintained gear with no pet hair, smells, rips, or tears
Getting paid out after selling
After an item sells in the store, your account will be credited with 50% of the sale price. You may use this credit in-store OR a check to be picked up.
Frequently Asked Questions FAQs
What items sell best in the Winter Season?
Skis and Snowboard jackets and pants
Mid and Base Layers
Skis and Snowboards
Cross Country Skis
Ice Skates
What items sell best in the Summer Season?
Bikes and Biking Equipment
Fishing Gear
Backpacking and Camping Gear
Gear for Watersports
Pickleball gear
In what condition should my gear be to sell?
Well-maintained and useable
Clean of dirt, pet hair, garbage
Empty pockets
Less than <10 years old, or unique and functional
Items with tags and well-known brands priced higher
What brands do you consign?
We reserve our consigned brands exclusively for outdoor brands; see the list below, though it is not limited to these. We do NOT accept brands purchased from Walmart, similar megastores, or Amazonian-sized online retailers.
- Arc'teryx
- Aventon
- Black Diamond
- Cannondale
- Carhartt
- Columbia
- Cotopaxi
- Darn Tough Vermont
- Eddie Bauer
- Electra
- Fjällräven
- Giant
- Helly Hansen
- Kühl
- La Sportiva
- LL Bean
- Marmot
- Moosejaw
- Mountain Hardware
- Outdoor Research
- Patagonia
- Rab
- Rad
- REI Co-Op
- Salomon
- Smartwool
- Spyder
- Stormy Kromer
- The North Face
- Trek
I can’t get to you. Can I save the trip?
Nope! We don't have the magic powers to monitor all that digital back-and-forth. We only do the in-person thing. So, put on your traveling shoes and head downtown!
Can I also sell my item online or somewhere else?
We ask for the exclusive right to sell your item for 90 days. Please remove from Ebay, Craigslist, Marketplace, etc., while your items are on the sales floor at Mr. Bike and Ski.