About US

Heidi and Adam in the shop smiling.

Our Mission

At Mr. Bike and Ski, we believe that biking and skiing are the greatest forms of recreation and exercise. We are all better humans when we take the time to be outside. Our mission is to connect folks to the outdoors through our biking and skiing expertise. We want to foster a passion for these places, no matter how you like to recreate.

About Our Team

We are family owned and operated - a real small-town American business in the heart of the Upper Peninsula. Our employees are a critical piece of our success and your enjoyment. Our team represents the incredibly knowledgeable foundation for an energetic bike and ski community and whether you live here or you're just visiting, we invite you to join us.

We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver a high-quality experience for each of our customers. We wouldn't be able to do so without our valuable crew and the knowledge and passion that each one of them has for the sport. We are your local bike and ski experts and we're here to make sure your next adventure is remarkable.

Meet Our Crew

Heidi and Adam the shop owners smiling at the front of the shop.

~Heidi and Adam~ Owners / Doer's of Stuff

Simply doing all the things...every day... together... smiling... most of the time. Some say they are relentlessly ambitious, idealistic and driven so don’t threaten them with a good time.

Jamie working on fixing a bike in the Mr. Bike and Ski store.


Lead Service Tech

Will fix whatever he can find that’s broken, BMX and mountain bike lover, always doing "excellent”, family man.


Lead Sales Associate

Watchagot? “G” is game for anything. A real peach of a guy, ultimate tasks master and voted Mr. Congeniality by our customers.

A very good dog named Mae laying on a comfy bed in the Mr. Bike and Ski store.

~Mae~ Ole Shop Dog

Our most tolerant crew member. Enjoys belly scratches, Pabst Blue Ribbon and swimming in the lake!

~Gertrude~ Shop Dog

“Gertie Girl” or “Gert” is the newest addition to our crew. She demands all of the attention, all of the time, is excitable and loves sniffing all humans.